"I didn’t want to die,
but I didn’t want to live this life
with the pain anymore."
The invisible pain
- my faithful companion
I was so happy for the really good exit; it was perfect. Almost…
If only the ground hadn’t rushed against me like that.
The Olympic Dream crashed the exact second I hit the ground.
The year was 1991. I was 16 years old, and my life just changed.
A lot.
This book is about my thirty years with four different back injuries. 30 years of constant pain - the invisible pain.
I am sharing my ups and downs during all this time. It actually has been more ups than downs over time. I have built a strong mental resilience, and I feel safe managing the obstacles I meet in my life.
Although I have been to very dark places inside me, I have always found the spark to get out in the light again. I have always known that I have a choice, and I have built a robust mental resilience to manage the obstacles I meet in life.
Since I was about 20 years old, my vision has been to help other people manage their pain and brains. If I can help one other person handle the pain, my pain journey has considerable value. So far, I have helped thousands of clients, and my mission and passion for doing this are more vital than ever.
Do you want to create a sustainable and valuable life?
I hope this book will bring you hope and valuable tools you can use in your everyday life. And even if you don't suffer from long-term pain, there are a lot of mindsets and strategies you can use to become more sustainable and live a more valuable life.
You can't choose if you get the pain from an injury, accident, or sickness, but you can always choose how you handle the situation.
This book is also for anyone interested in personal development, mindset, mental training, coping strategies, and life journeys. I have found tools and strategies that I have discovered valuable for dealing with the pain and building a sustainable work-life balance, also proved by science to be the most sustainable and effective treatment to deal with long-term pain.
Anything is possible - maybe not right now, perhaps you'll have to do it in another way than you used to, but remember, anything is possible!
Are you ready to make the pain to your companion instead of your enemy?
"You can't choose if you get the pain
from an injury, accident or illness,
but you can always choose
how you handle the situation."
Cattis Olsson
Do you live with physical pain? Or do you know anyone that does? Or are you one of those who are suffering from the long-term effects of covid-19?
This book is definitely for you!
This book is also for anyone interested in personal development, mindset, mental training, coping strategies, and life journeys.
I have found tools and strategies that I have discovered valuable for dealing with the pain and building a sustainable work-life balance.
These are tools that I have implemented in my life, and these are tools I teach my clients to use in their pain journey.
This book is for you if you want to:
- get inspired
- learn how to turn pain into power
- gain knowledge about brain and pain
- discover tools that can improve your everyday life
- start taking control of your pain to get a more valuable life
"I met Cattis verbally on Clubhouse and was so glad I had found someone that was helping others to manifest their chronic pains.
Cattis gave me some wonderful advice that could help me in looking after myself with my chronic pain, working with it and not letting it consume me."
Jennifer Gilmore
Author & Founder of Abuse Talk
"Cattis took me with her in to the world of pain and out on the other side of mindset. Thank you for taking me with you. I am so affected.
This book is important!"
Jenny Sandfors
Author & Founder of Bipolär
Maria Lofors
Online Biz Productivity Coach
at Maria Lofors
My dream was to be part of the Swedish Cross Country Ski Team, and of course, the biggest goal was to represent Sweden in the Olympics.
At the age of 16, I went skydiving, and at my fifth landing, I crashed hard to the ground. I've got my first back injury. Now I'm turning 46, and I have lived with long-term pain since that warm day in July 30 years ago. I have at this time four different back injuries.
The doctors and physiotherapists told me repeatedly that it would be impossible for me to do running, cross country skiing, and a lot of my favorite things again. They even talked about disability pension when I was about 20 years old. I refused to listen to them. Instead, I used my mental training and massage therapy knowledge, and I listened to my own body.
Ten years ago, I went from running my own business and having a spa manager position to acquiring three herniated discs and burnout at the same time! It resulted in very long and challenging testing of patience time of rehabilitation. Consequently, I had to set my business on hold, and I had to start all over again.
It was a total physical, mental and economic collapse.
I also had a major identity crisis, didn't know who I was anymore. I identified myself as a training, healthy person who loved the job as a massage therapist and mental coach. Suddenly I couldn't do anything of that.
I felt very lonely and lost in my life.
I've learned my lesson to say no to tempting offers from employers who offer me high-performance jobs. It was an expensive lesson to learn, in many ways.
Now I can go for a run, and I have a half marathon scheduled for this fall. To run my own business is a big part of my way of managing the pain. I can plan my own time, so I get enough recovery time and physical activity every day. Being my own boss has given me a lower pain level, and I don't get as many flare-ups as I used to. I have found a way to have a persistent and sustainable life with less pain, more energy, and happiness.
My vision is to help at least 100 000 women affected by long-term pain to adapt to the challenge of living with pain, brain fatigue, and the struggle to get everyday life to work.
Life knocked me down many times, but I have also built a strong mental resilience and have managed to raise myself, time after time.
Now I have a successful business, helping others to lead themselves, achieving their goals in a sustainable, profitable, and happy way.
Anything is possible - you maybe just have to do it in another way. I will help you find your way to mind your brain to master the pain!
Top Rated
Martina Gustafsson
Incredible book with incredible insights
Thank you for pointing out that acceptance is the way forward, how I need to accept my pain and se it as a faithful companion in my life. That makes the pain easier for me to handle and live with.
Linda Smibert
The Invisible Pain - my Faithful Companion
Being as I have been facing various pain over the last year and a half I was eager to read this book... Hoping for snippets of hope. The title had me curious.... How can pain become my companion? Cattis broke down her own life experience with pain skillfully personally and professionally. She explains how much our brain has to do with pain management and how to adapt a new and joyful approach to living with long term pain. Just reading her book has confirmed in me that I CAN bring value to my life because my life is of value. /Linda
Elisabeth Blomdahl
”You are the Queen of nothing will stop you”
Tanks for sharing your story Cattis. Im so impresst over your mindset and how you handel the daily chores. Love your text about your life hacks of that. As an Naprapath Im proud and happy that you got help whit your pain. I will absolutly recomend this book to my patients. /Thanks from Elisabeth Blomdahl
Kirk Rebman
Thanks Cattis
Cattis Olsson's book "The Invisible Pain" was a pleasure to read and very informative. It helped me a lot-in one way as an affirmation that what I have learned so far in my search are mostly good things plus some very good new insights on how to live a full life in spite of back pain issues. Thanks again Cattis-i will be going back to the book periodically in the future for reference and to renew my own confidence and resolve. You are an inspiration! /Kirk
Jenny Sandfors
This book makes changes
Cattis took me with her in to the world of pain and out on the other side of mindset. Thank you for taking me with you. I am so affected. This book is important! /Jenny
Maria Lofors
This book gave me insights, it made me laugh and it moved me to tears
The Invisible Pain is an important book both for someone who lives with long term pain and for someone who doesn't. I don't but the book teached me a thing or two about life with pain, and also made me think about my own circumstances and how to live more intentionally. /Maria
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